Namespaces |
Namespace | Description |
Emgu.CV | Wrapper of OpenCV's image processing functions.
Base functions (L1) can be found in CvInvoke class |
Emgu.CV.Aruco | ArUco Marker Detection |
Emgu.CV.BgSegm | Background Segmentation. |
Emgu.CV.Bioinspired | |
Emgu.CV.Cuda | NVidia Cuda image processing functions |
Emgu.CV.Cvb | Contains interface for the CvBlob library |
Emgu.CV.CvEnum | OpenCV Enumeration |
Emgu.CV.Dnn | Deep Neural Network module |
Emgu.CV.Dpm | |
Emgu.CV.Face | The module contains some recently added functionality that has not been stabilized, or functionality that is considered optional. |
Emgu.CV.Features2D | Contains classes for 2D feature detection, extraction and matching. |
Emgu.CV.Flann | Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors (Marius Muja and David Lowe) |
Emgu.CV.Fuzzy | Fuzzy image processing |
Emgu.CV.Geodetic | Contains library that can be use for geomatic transformation. |
Emgu.CV.LineDescriptor | Binary descriptors for lines extracted from an image |
Emgu.CV.ML | Wrapper of OpenCV's Machine Learning Library |
Emgu.CV.ML.MlEnum | OpenCV's Machine Learning enumeration |
Emgu.CV.Ocl | |
Emgu.CV.OCR | Optical character recognition. Wraps the tesseract-ocr engine. |
Emgu.CV.Plot | This Plot module allows you to easily plot data in 1D or 2D. |
Emgu.CV.Reflection | Code that use reflection to get image information from Emgu CV objects |
Emgu.CV.Shape | The module contains algorithms that embed a notion of shape distance. These algorithms may be used for shape matching and retrieval, or shape comparison. |
Emgu.CV.Stitching | Image stitching |
Emgu.CV.Structure | Wrapped OpenCV structures |
Emgu.CV.Superres | The Super Resolution module contains a set of functions and classes that can be used to solve the problem of resolution enhancement. |
Emgu.CV.Text | This module provides different algorithms for text detection and recognition in natural scene images. |
Emgu.CV.Tiff | Contains writer classes that can be used to write different tiff formats, such as tile tiff and geotiff. |
Emgu.CV.Tracking | Long-term optical tracking API |
Emgu.CV.UI | User interface (ImageBox) for displaying Image object. |
Emgu.CV.Util | A collection of utilities used by Emgu.CV projects |
Emgu.CV.VideoStab | The video stabilization module contains a set of functions and classes that can be used to solve the problem of video stabilization. |
Emgu.CV.VideoSurveillance | Background/Foreground segmentation and Blob tracking |
Emgu.CV.XFeatures2D | Extra 2D Features Framework |
Emgu.CV.XImgproc | Extended Image Processing |
Emgu.CV.XObjdetect | |
Emgu.CV.XPhoto | Additional photo processing algorithms |
Emgu.Util | A collection of utilities used by Emgu projects |
Emgu.Util.TypeEnum | Various enumeration for Emgu.Util namespace |