Type for cvSVD
Namespace: Emgu.CV.CvEnumAssembly: Emgu.CV.World (in Emgu.CV.World.dll) Version: (
Syntax [FlagsAttribute]
public enum SvdFlag
Public Enumeration SvdFlag
public enum class SvdFlag
type SvdFlag
| Member name | Value | Description |
| Default | 0 |
The default type
| ModifyA | 1 |
enables modification of matrix src1 during the operation. It speeds up the processing.
| NoUV | 2 |
indicates that only a vector of singular values `w` is to be processed, while u and vt will be set to empty matrices
| FullUV | 4 |
when the matrix is not square, by default the algorithm produces u and vt matrices of
sufficiently large size for the further A reconstruction; if, however, FULL_UV flag is
specified, u and vt will be full-size square orthogonal matrices.
See Also