Emgu.CV.CvEnum Namespace |
Enumeration | Description | |
AccessType |
Access type
| |
AdaptiveThresholdType |
Types of Adaptive Threshold
| |
BackOrFront |
Specific if it is back or front
| |
BorderType |
The type for CopyMakeBorder function
| |
CalibCbType |
Type of chessboard calibration
| |
CalibCgType |
Type of circles grid calibration
| |
CalibType |
Various camera calibration flags
| |
CapProp |
CV Capture property identifier
| |
CaptureType |
CvCapture type. This is the equivalent to CV_CAP_ macros.
| |
ChainApproxMethod |
contour approximation method
| |
CheckType |
Enumeration used by cvCheckArr
| |
CloningMethod |
Seamless clone method
| |
CmpType |
Type used for cvCmp function
| |
ColorConversion |
Color Conversion code
| |
ColorMapType |
The type of color map
| |
ConnectecComponentsTypes |
Connected components algorithm output formats
| |
Connectivity |
The type for cvSampleLine
| |
ContoursMatchType |
Type used by cvMatchShapes
| |
CovarMethod |
cvCalcCovarMatrix method types
| |
DctType |
Flag used for cvDCT
| |
DecompMethod |
cvInvert method
| |
DepthType |
OpenCV depth type
| |
DistLabelType |
Distance transform algorithm flags
| |
DistType |
Defines for Distance Transform
| |
DxtType |
Flag used for cvDFT
| |
EdgePreservingFilterFlag |
Edge preserving filter flag
| |
EigobjType |
IO type for eigen object related functions
| |
ElementShape |
Shape of the Structuring Element
| |
ErrorCodes |
Error codes
| |
FlipType |
Enumeration used by cvFlip
| |
FloodFillType |
Type of floodfill operation
| |
FmType |
Calculates fundamental matrix given a set of corresponding points
| |
FontFace |
| |
GemmType |
Flags used for GEMM function
| |
General |
General enumeration
| |
GrabcutInitType |
Grabcut initialization type
| |
HaarDetectionType |
The types for haar detection
| |
HistogramCompMethod |
Histogram comparison method
| |
HomographyMethod |
Type of cvHomography method
| |
HoughType |
Hough detection type
| |
ImreadModes |
cvLoadImage type
| |
ImwriteFlags |
Flags for Imwrite function
| |
InpaintType |
Inpaint type
| |
Inter |
Interpolation types
| |
IplDepth |
| |
KMeansInitType |
KMeans initialization type
| |
LineType |
The type of line for drawing
| |
LKFlowFlag |
Type for cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK
| |
MorphOp |
Morphology operation type
| |
MulSpectrumsType |
The types for cvMulSpectrums
| |
NamedWindowType |
The named window type
| |
NormType |
Type for cvNorm
| |
OpticalflowFarnebackFlag |
The available flags for Farneback optical flow computation
| |
Orientation |
| |
PcaType |
PCA Type
| |
RectIntersectType |
Rectangle intersect type
| |
ReduceDimension |
Type used for cvReduce function
| |
ReduceType |
Type used for cvReduce function
| |
RetrType |
contour retrieval mode
| |
SeqEltype |
Sequence element type
| |
SeqFlag |
Sequence flag
| |
SeqKind |
The kind of sequence available
| |
SeqType |
Sequence type for point sets
| |
SmoothType |
Interpolation type
| |
SolveLPResult |
The return value for solveLP function
| |
SolvePnpMethod |
Method for solving a PnP problem
| |
StereoBmPrefilter |
Stereo Block Matching Prefilter type
| |
StereoRectifyType |
Type used in cvStereoRectify
| |
StorageOp |
The file storage operation type
| |
Subdiv2DPointLocationType |
The result type of cvSubdiv2DLocate.
| |
SvdFlag |
Type for cvSVD
| |
TemplateMatchingType |
Methods for comparing two array
| |
TermCritType |
| |
ThresholdType |
Types of thresholding
| |
Warp |
Types for WarpAffine