Emgu.CV.Structure Namespace |
Structure | Description | |
Bgr |
Defines a Bgr (Blue Green Red) color
| |
Bgr565 |
Defines a Bgr565 (Blue Green Red) color
| |
Bgra |
Defines a Bgra (Blue Green Red Alpha) color
| |
CircleF | A circle | |
ColorPoint |
A point with Bgr color information
| |
Cross2DF |
A 2D cross
| |
Cuboid |
A solid resembling a cube, with the rectangular faces not all equal; a rectangular parallelepiped.
| |
CvStructSizes |
This is used to hold the sizes of the Open CV structures
| |
Ellipse |
An ellipse
| |
Gray | Defines a Gray color | |
Hls |
Defines a Hls (Hue Lightness Satuation) color
| |
Hsv |
Defines a HSV (Hue Satuation Value) color
| |
Lab |
Defines a CIE Lab color
| |
LineSegment2D |
A line segment
| |
LineSegment2DF |
A line segment
| |
LineSegment3DF |
A 3D line segment
| |
Luv |
Defines a CIE Luv color
| |
MCvAvgComp |
Result of cvHaarDetectObjects
| |
MCvMat |
Managed structure equivalent to CvMat
| |
MCvMatND |
Managed structure equivalent to CvMatND
| |
MCvMatNDDimension |
The MatND Dimension
| |
MCvObjectDetection |
Structure contains the bounding box and confidence level for detected object
| |
MCvPoint2D64f |
Managed Structure equivalent to CvPoint2D64f
| |
MCvPoint3D32f |
Managed Structure equivalent to CvPoint3D32f
| |
MCvPoint3D64f |
Managed Structure equivalent to CvPoint3D64f
| |
MCvScalar |
Managed structure equivalent to CvScalar
| |
MCvSlice |
Managed structure equivalent to CvSlice
| |
MCvTermCriteria |
Managed structure equivalent to CvTermCriteria
| |
MDMatch |
OpenCV's DMatch structure
| |
MIplImage |
Managed structure equivalent to IplImage
| |
MKeyPoint |
OpenCV's KeyPoint class
| |
Range |
The range use to setup the histogram
| |
RangeF |
The range use to setup the histogram
| |
Rgb |
Defines a Rgb (Red Green Blue) color
| |
Rgba |
Defines a Rgba (Red Green Blue Alpha) color
| |
RotatedRect |
Managed structure equivalent to CvBox2D
| |
Triangle2DF |
A 2D triangle
| |
Triangle3DF |
A 3D triangle
| |
Xyz |
Defines a Xyz color (CIE XYZ.Rec 709 with D65 white point)
| |
Ycc |
Defines a Ycc color (YCrCb JPEG)